Milada Filipek Genealogy Source Records
  • Baptismal Record
  • Death Record

Baptismal Record
St. John Nepomucene Church, Chicago, Illinois
  1. Baptized: 26 dubna 1891 (26 April 1891)
  2. Child's Name: Milada Katerina Filipek
  3. Birth: 18 dubna 1891 (18 April 1891)
  4. Father's Name: Vaclav Filipek
  5. Mother's Name: Katerina Filipek
  6. Sponsors: Marie Dedina
  7. Priest: Rev. Francis Bobal

Baptismal Record Comments
  • The information was transcribed from a microfilm copy of the original St. John Nepomucene Baptismal Records.
  • There is only one sponsor, Marie Dedina, the same female sponsor as for Maria Filipek in December 1889.

Death Record
St. John Nepomucene Church, Chicago, Illinois
  1. Funeral Date: 3 leden 1893 (3 January 1893)
  2. Name: Milada Filipek
  3. Death Date: 1 leden 1893 (1 January 1893)
  4. Age: 18 mes (18 months)
  5. Cemetery: 4.00
  6. Priest: Rev. Francis Bobal

Death Record Comments
  • The information was transcribed from a microfilm copy of the original St. John Nepomucene Death Records.
  • My estimate is that she was 20 months old, but 18 might have been just a rounding.
  • The column where the cemetery is shown is most curious. Only a few people on the page are shown with a cemetery and that is to Mt. Olivet. Most have numbers such as 1.00, 4.00, 8.00. Perhaps these are times of the day. In either case, it is unclear where Milada was buried.