Birth Record
Bohemia Location: Trebon Archives |
Marriage Record Bohemia Date: January 29, 1884 |
Registered No. 904
Church Death Record
St. John Nepomucene Church, Chicago, Illinois
Obituary FILIPEK-James, beloved husband of Katherine Filipek (nee Nemec) and fond father of John J., James A. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Barrett. Funeral from late residence, 3001 Emerald av, Tuesday, 9 a. m. , to St. John's Nep. church, 26th Princeton, where solemn high mass will be celebrated, by autos to Resurrection Cemetery. Member of C. O. F., St. John's Nep. Court 437, Sokol Vlast. Modern Woodmen of America No. 5354. |
Obituary OZNAMENI UMRTI Vaem pratcium a znamym oznamujeme trucnt???? ??? vn, se nee milovauy manzei, otac a bratr Vaclav Filipek skonal v sobutu, dne 10, ledna 1914, o 4, hod. cdp. nahled nast ve starf 50 let, Zosnnuly narodil se v Kolencich v. okrasu ???? bonakem a prina?ezel ku spolkum Dvoru S. Jans Nepo(mucene) ckeho, c 437 K. ?. Sokulu "Vlast" a k Taboru Plze? ???? Mod. Drevaru Ameriky. Pohrab konati se bude v, diery w?? 13, ledna 0 9. hod. rano z domu smutku o. 3001 Emerald Ave. na hrbitov Vakrisent P?n? Za tichou saustsast propts. Katerina Filipkova, truchlici marzekuca Vaclav, Marie, Jan ditky a ostatni pratelei Kdo by at prar pohtbu se scastniti, necht se laska?? p??hlest v dome smutku neb u pohrobnika Jad Dusaka, 3007 Union a. |
Obituary Umrti a soustrast Vaem clenum Stanu Pizeu c, 5354 Mod. Drevaru Ameriky se o znamuje, ze zemfel nas mily so used. Vaclav Filipek v sobotu 10, ledna 1914 o4. hod. odpol. ?ohrab zesnuisho bude se konati v dtery 13, ledna o. 9, hod. rano z comu amutku ? 3001 Emerald ave. na hrbitov Vzkrisenf Pano. Clenove jaou zadani, by se v ho? ne?a poctu pohrbu zdcastnilf. Rodina pozustala necht p??jme n??? nejhlubai soustrast. Frank Panka, predseda Frank Zidek, tgl?????? |
Catholic Order of Foresters
Modern Woodman of America
St. John's Nepomucene Court
Sokol Vlast
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Above is the front and back of the memory card for James Filipek. The back of the card is in Czech and a translation of the top part is as follows: In God's Memory |
I wish to thank Anna Bartakova, a student in Cindy Filipek Johnson's class in Minnesota for providing the above translation. This memory card was discovered in March 2001 by Terry Nelson, a g-granddaughter of Vaclav and Katerina Filipek in her grandmother Rose Filipek's home in Florida. |
Cemetery Record Resurrection Cemetery and Mausoleum Purchased by:
Indication of fees paid as follows:
Tombstone FILIPEK
VACLAV FILIPEK ZARI 10, 1863-LEDNA 10, 1914 |