The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Co.

Pueblo October 27, 1896

Dear Jene (Johny)!
I am going to answer the letter I´ve received from you. I have some favour to ask you again. Be so kind and tell Mr Frank (Francis Nemec) to be so nice and send me the stove that I´ve left at him. I´ve already written him, but I haven´t got any reply. So I do not know if he has received my letter or if I have a wrong address. I wrote number 2930 UNION SO. So send me his right address, please.

I am going to enclose 3 dollars. I think it won´t bother you to pay my dues in the association for me. I think you´ve even already paid it. I must also tell you that I am moving to Section, most probably on the first of the month. So be hurry with your answer for me to receive it before my departure. Then I´ll send you my new address.

I have no news for you. Only that there is a big noise here in villages, everything for that silver. I think if you asked Mr. Havelka, you could get a passport. Try it, you would like being here. I must finish for today.

Best wishes

James Filipek's Pueblo Letter to John Sokolik - Page 1 (Oct 27, 1896)

The Letter
This letter appears to be about 3 topics:

  • a request to John Sokolik to recover the stove he left with him,
  • a request to John Sokolik to pays his dues to an association
  • a report that there is lots of excitement about about a silver find in the area


  • From this and other letters it sounds like James and Katherine left a bunch of stuff in Chicago with friends and relatives. As they settle into Pueblo they ask for various things to be sent, this time the stove.
  • Probably the request to John to pay the dues is to one of the Fraternal Insurance organizations such as the Catholic Order of Foresters who issued him a Traveling Card in February of 1896.
  • I'm uncertain why John would need a passport to go to Colorado, but perhaps it is casual use of the word, such as asking his boss for some time off or a "pass" on the railroad to get a free trip to visit relatives who worked for the railroad or perhaps a Traveling Card such as Vaclav had.

This letter was discovered in March 2000 by Terry Nelson, a gg-granddaughter of Antonin and Katerina Filipek in her grandmother Rose Filipek's home in Florida. If you would like to add information about this picture, please contact Dave Jordan, a gg-grandson of Antonin and Katerina Filipek. The Letter Reference Number is TNN20.