James A. Filipek's Montgomery Postcard to his Father (July 27, 1909)
This is scan of a postcard sent from James A. Filipek to his father from Montgomery, Minnesota in the summer of 1909. A transcription is as follows:

Montgomery Minn
1909 July 27 4 PM

Mr. J. Filipek
3001 Emerald Ave.
Chicago Ill

Dear Father,
How are you all. Is John home. If he is why don't he write. Please write me soon as I am anxiously waiting.
Your loving son.

People mentioned in this postcard are:

  • Mr. J. Filipek, who is James (Vaclav) Filipek.
  • Jim, who is James A. Filipek, the son of James Filipek.
  • John, who is John Filipek, Jim's older brother.

Montgomery, Minnesota is the town where Jim Filipek's. Uncle Jan and Aunt Franceska lived. Uncle Jan Filipek was James (Vaclav) Filipek's brother. Jan and Franceska Filipek lived in Minnesota since the 1870s and had many children.

Most likely young Jim Filipek took a trip on the train from Chicago that summer to visit his Minnesota cousins. Three of Jan's children were about Jim's age. These were Tomas born July 1888 and four years older than Jim, Michel born March 1890 and two years older than Jim and Franceska born February 1893 and a half year younger than Jim.

At the same time as Jim was in Minnesota, his brother John and sister Mary took a trip east by train. It is unknown if they dropped him off first or he went on his own.

Jim sounds a little lonely and wants to hear what is happening at home.

This postcard was discovered in Rose Filipek's home in Sarasota, Florida in the year 2002. Terry Nelson a g-granddaughter of Vaclav and Katerina Filipek has the original. If you would like to add information about this picture, please contact Dave Jordan, a g-grandson of Vaclav and Katerina Filipek. The Letter Reference Number is TNN29.