Application Number: CAS 892657/87
Year: 1867
Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of St. Mary Stratford Bow in the County of Middlesex
- No. 388
- When married: May 24
- Name and Surname: Knut Oscar Scholdberg
- Age: Full
- Condition: Bachelor
- Rank or Profession: Mariner
- Residence at time of Marriage: Bow
- Father's Name and Surname: Carl Johan Scholdberg
- Rank or Profession: Tanner
- Name and Surname: Elizabeth Priscilla Holloway Stewart
- Age: 20 yrs
- Condition: Spinster
- Rank or Profession: ----
- Residence at time of Marriage: Bow
- Father's Name and Surname: Joseph Stewart
- Rank or Profession: Rigger
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church, by or after Banns by me, G. T. Driffield, Rector
This marriage was solemnized between us:
Knut Oscar Scholdberg
Elizabeth Priscilla Holloway Stewart
in the presence of us
John Limey
Mary Ann Loinally
CERTIFIED to be a true copy of an entry in the certified copy of a register of Marriages in the Registration District of Poplar.
Given at the General Register Office, London, under the Seal of the said Office, the 1st day of July 1987.