City Directory Search Plan

Filipek Families

Below are names that should be researched in future City Directory searches. Items listed are future investigations and are not likely to be available soon. You may wish to contact Dave to determine the status of an item or volunteer to pursue it.

Chicago Directories
  1. Dedinas: close friends of Filipeks
  2. Filipek:
  3. Jana: Father and children lived in Chicago after 1900
  4. Nemec:
  5. Novak: John Novak was either a close friend or relative of Nemecs
  6. Sokoliks:
Pueblo Directories

The Filipeks were in Pueblo area in the late 1890s

  1. Filipek: There were no entries for Filipek for the late 1890s
  2. Jana: Barbara has pursued and there was one listing for Yana from 1890 to 1900.
  3. Sokolik: Dave found two entries for Sokolik in the late 1890s
Dawkins/Pinon Directories

The Filipeks were in Dawkins and Pinon in the late 1890s.

  1. Filipek
  2. Jana
  3. Solkolik
Rush City Directories

These families were in Rush City, Minnesota in the 1880s

  1. Jana
  2. Sokolik
Montgomery, New Prague, Trebon Directories

These families were in Montgomery, New Prague, and Trebon Minnesota in the 1880s.

  1. Filipek
  2. Jana
  3. Sokolik